Throughout the summer, Megève reveals its charms: an exceptional panorama of the Mont-Blanc massif which can be discovered during nature walks, lush flora and torrents with crystal clear waters. In this magnificent green setting, exceptional events follow one another throughout the summer, creating unforgettable memories: unique musical moments with renowned artists, international sporting events or heritage festivals...

Megève, the ideal summer destination!

In the Alps, summer is more attractive than ever. And the charming village of Megève is no exception to the rule. Here, the mountains freed from their snow cover spring up towards the sky, green and flowery. Acting as hyphens with the neighboring valleys, these summits throw off an irresistible desire for adventure without warning. Because in Megève, the place is made for athletes in search of the famous "breath of fresh air".

For the contemplative, the village lends itself to the game. Cobbled streets, flower-decked chalets, crystal-clear rivers and green fir trees make up the picturesque landscape full of charm. This diversity is also found during the international events that punctuate the summer with sharing and conviviality. A postcard village, where the annotated slogan “the mountain, it wins you over” has never been so true.

© Daniel DURAND

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