Stunningly dazzlingly beautiful, Megève shines in the sun and sparkles in the moonlight. In Megève, day and night reveal the thousand and one shades of a celestial and aerial wandering of all sizes, the time of a most luminous journey. Fly to feel your wings grow and join the aerial world of eagles and bearded vultures or simply to contemplate the Milky Way at nightfall... there is more than one magical and dizzying experience to be had in the air in Megève!

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To take some fresh air…

Knowing the summits or twirling above the clouds to gain height, see things on a large scale or simply listen to the breath of air on your windy face and listen to the wind whistle in the branches...

A subtle and invisible element, the air helps us to take flight, while giving us a unique and saving feeling of freedom.


In a setting that is always breathtaking, all you have to do is seize the space of a moment, the magic of a starry sky or even a flight over with a view of Mont-Blanc!


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