People with reduced mobility who love the sensations of sliding, contemplating the sun sparkling on the immaculate snow or the snowflakes flying on the fir trees, will be able to satisfy all their desires and realize their white dreams in the exceptional setting of the Evasion Mont-Blanc ski area . Offering all the infrastructures and services that make skiing accessible to everyone, Megève stands out as the ideal resort for practicing handiskiing.


Practical advice for accessing the ski area

People with reduced mobility and their companion benefit from a -50% discount on the full adult ski or pedestrian Evasion price (4 hours, 1 to 8 days, season or year). These packages are sold exclusively at the checkout at one of the 4 points of sale (Rochebrune, Chamois, Mont-d'Arbois and Princesse) and on presentation of a disability card.

The ski area is accessible thanks to free shuttles (Meg-Bus), all equipped with an inclined PMR ramp (and unfolded manually by the driver), capable of supporting a maximum load of 350 km. From the space reserved for wheelchairs, people with reduced mobility can access the stop button placed at the right height. The Montenbus, on-demand transportation service of the Community of Communes of the Pays du Mont-Blanc also welcomes people with reduced mobility.

Whether departing from La Princesse, Rochebrune or Mont-d’Arbois, from bus stops or car parks to ski lifts, all routes are designed to facilitate access for disabled people (parking lots, bus stops, automatic doors, sound amplification systems), as well as support from dedicated staff .

Park at the start of the ski lifts

  • When the Princess leaves: free outdoor parking (several spaces for people with reduced mobility)
  • From Rochebrune: underground parking (5 reserved spaces)
  • Departing from Mont-d’Arbois: outdoor parking (6 reserved spaces) + underground parking with elevator

Handi skiing in the Les Portes du Mont-Blanc area

Megève, paradise for handiskiers

Megève has always advocated skiing for everyone. Thus, over the years, the ski areas of the resort have been developed with a view to offering the services and equipment necessary to support people with disabilities in the best conditions, so that they can enjoy the pleasure of skiing in Megeve.

In the ski area, the ski lifts allow you to practice sit-skiing, the reception areas and toilets are suitable for wheelchair users, the car parks have reserved spaces as close as possible to the snow front, a free shuttles simplifying access to the slopes have been put in place and the teams in the field have been trained in specialized support.

The ski schools of Megève, also very committed to an approach of accessibility for all, also offer adapted services. Trained and specialized ski instructors put their know-how at the service of people with reduced mobility to give them new sensations of skiing in complete safety. Uniski, dualski, tandem ski or tetraski, the equipment and the supervision adapt according to the handicap of the person and the desires to offer the most beautiful experience.

© ESF Megeve

For each disability, adapted equipment

In recent years, handiskiing has become more popular in ski resorts to the delight of people with disabilities. The equipment is being modernized, the instructors are being trained and the learning techniques are adapting to all handicaps, while the sliding sensations remain unchanged.

In Megève, ski instructors offer types of skiing adapted to your handicap: dualski, uniski, tandem… Each disability has its own equipment! While the dualski and the uniski are both intended for people with disabilities of the lower limbs, the tandemski is for people with severe disabilities and without autonomy who are not able to maintain their balance on a uniski or a dualski. .

© Nicolas SEBAG – Wheeled World

Discover the different Handi ski activities

  • The uniski

The uniski or monoski is used in priority for people with disabilities of the lower limbs. Equipped with a single ski, the uniski allows you to ski seated independently with maximum pleasure and performance. In practice, it is a seat shell with a short back fixed to a frame equipped with a shock absorber, itself attached to a standard ski. The uniski is piloted with the weight of the body and upper limbs, but also with the help of stabilizers. Using only one ski, the uniski does not offer the same sensations of skiability of the valid ski.

  • The dual ski

Intended for people with disabilities of the lower limbs, the dualski has two always parallel skis which can permanently lift relative to each other. In constant contact with the snow, the skis adapt perfectly to the complexity of the terrain. With its fully articulated frame and its load distribution between inside ski and outside ski during turns, the dualski offers a high quality of glide whose sensations are very close to those of an able-bodied skier. The dualski allows a practice that can go up to complete autonomy.

  • The tandem ski

The Tandemski allows people with severe disabilities who are unable to maintain their balance alone on a uniski or a dualski to enjoy the joys of winter sports in complete safety. Trained in driving and installed at the back of the tandemski, the pilot is fixed on articulated pallets making use of brakes. Installed at the front in a bucket seat mounted on an articulated frame, the passenger benefits from flexible and comfortable skiing. Composed of a mechanical system allowing to make turns even on steep slopes, the Tandem Ski remains very stable and easy to handle, even at high speed. Driving the Tandemski requires specific training open to all.

Here are some rules necessary for the smooth running of a handiski day:

  • All seated skiers are accompanied by a good able-bodied skier capable of providing assistance if necessary, whether the person is partially autonomous or totally dependent.
  • Be supported by a trained and qualified guide who takes care of the piloting (tandemski)
  • On arriving at the resort, the guide finds out from the competent services about the accessibility of the slopes and the installations.
  • On the slopes, the guide assists the seated skier in all circumstances.
  • The guardrail must always be lowered during the chairlift ascent.
  • The user of non-approved equipment may be accepted or denied access to the station.
  • Wearing a helmet is strongly recommended for sit-skiers.
© ESF Megeve

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