in Megève

Itinéraire rando : Rochebrune – Cote 2000

Nice walk, you can observe golden eagles, towards the Pas de Sion in a valley some marmots have taken up residence, a very beautiful panorama of Mont Blanc, the Mont Joly chain, the Monts de Véry in the middle of alpine flowers , violets, etc.
Topo / step by step

0/ From Megève take the road towards Les Perchets Lady or the Meg'Bus shuttle stop Rochebrune.

1/ From the hamlet of Lady follow the sign for rock climbing, 800m

2/ On this same road, take the direction of Rochebrune via La Caboche (restaurant)

3/ Leave the paved road to follow the gravel road to the village of Le Tour.

4/ Take the first path on the right which goes up through the woods towards Alpette (restaurant) between mountain pasture and forest.

5/ You will soon be able to see Lake Javen below on the left, a hillside reservoir.

6/ When climbing, always follow the direction of Rochebrune.

7/ At the level of a fence, the path rises sharply to the right in the undergrowth (very steep part up to the flat area of ​​Rochebrune).

8/ Follow the dirt road going up obliquely towards the Alpette for about 35 min (highest point of the hike).

9 / Continue towards Cote 2000.

10/ Take the path that follows the ridge line to Pré Rosset (restaurant)

11/ Take the path on the left, under the first ski lift, which goes down to the hamlet of Maz (typical chapel) or take Meg'bus towards the village from the Cote 1 stop.

12/ Then downhill route via Chemin du Maz for around 1 hour.

Tips and Suggestions

Possibility to buy cheese at the Radaz farm inn.
Return via the Chemin du Maz: Chapelle du Maz, possibility of buying Tomme de Savoie cheese at the Morand farm.

Route details

Earth, Not suitable for pushchairs
Autumn, Summer, Spring


From Megève take the road towards Les Perchets Lady. From the hamlet of Lady follow the sign for climbing rock, 800m on the same road take the direction of Rochebrune via La Caboche (restaurant), leave the tarmacked road to follow the stony path to the village of Le Tour. Take the first path on the right which goes up through the woods towards Alpette (restaurant) between mountain pasture and forest.
You will soon be able to see Lake Javen below on the left, a hillside reservoir. When climbing, always follow the direction of Rochebrune. At the level of a fence, the path rises sharply to the right in the undergrowth (very steep part up to the flat area of ​​Rochebrune).
Follow the dirt road ascending obliquely towards the Alpette for about 35 min (highest point of the hike).
Continue towards Cote 2000, take the path which follows the ridge line to Pré Rosset (restaurant) then take the path on the left, under the 1st ski lift, which goes down to the hamlet of Maz (typical chapel), then downhill journey of approximately 1 hour.

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Picnic area.Pedestrian sportsHiking route
DifficultyDifficultDuration04h00Elevation861 D- ​​/ 806 D+Distance15,2 kmMax Altitude1892 m
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