in Megève

Itinéraire rando : Moulin Contant

Remains of millstones. Landscapes of forests, meadows and mountain pastures. Refreshing walk along the Planay torrent. Moulin Contant, a place where farmers gathered to grind their wheat. Easy walk.
Topo / step by step

Departure: car park in front of the chalet de la Livraz
1/ Follow the paved road for 200m to the first junction perpendicular to the road, turn left, the path crosses two fields to arrive at the edge of the forest overlooking the Planay torrent
2/ Thereafter you take a slight descent for 50m, cross the bridge. You are at Moulin Contant. Remains of millstones in the grassland on your left not far from the old farm.
3/ Continue along the path along the stream towards Le Planay, following the markings on site. The path rises in the meadow to reach the road leading to the picturesque village of Planay.
4/ From Planay continue on your right, and cross the bridge. Follow the path to the right towards the Bacré farm.
5/ From the Bacré farm, go down the path lined with hedges which brings you back to the starting point.

Sustainable tourism

* Wetlands to preserve:

Wetlands are fragile and threatened environments, characterized by an often exceptional biodiversity. They provide us with many services. Essential for the management of water resources, they filter and digest certain pollutants, regulate the flow of rivers and groundwater, store water and reduce flooding...

They also act as a buffer against climate change: in particular by storing carbon.

Their preservation therefore represents a real challenge.

* Let's admire the mountain flowers:

The picking of wild plants in the wild is sometimes authorized, but it is better to do it in a reasoned way:

– in small quantities: this promotes regrowth, it leaves animals and other hikers

– not in the same place: vary the picking sites

– Cut the species instead of pulling it

And why not just admire the mountain flowers? You will keep an unforgettable memory!

In sensitive natural areas (nature reserve or park) picking is often prohibited.
Remember to consult the regulations at the entrance to the sites.

* The Gassed:
All dressed in white and delicately ribbed in black, this is the Gazé, also called the Hawthorn Pieridae.

The butterflies of its single annual generation fly from April-May to July-August.
This shot freezes a mating of this butterfly, once very common in France.
This butterfly is threatened and has been in massive decline for several years.

– The development of intensive agriculture has gradually caused its breeding habitats to disappear.

– The use of pesticides was very harmful to him.

– The hedges were torn up, removing the plants on which the caterpillars feed.

The Gazé is still relatively common in mountainous areas, particularly above 800 meters above sea level where agriculture is more extensive.

* The rumor of the fox pee
Alveolar echinococcosis is a parasite (called tapeworm) whose natural hosts are canines. Contrary to popular rumours, this parasite lodges in the small intestine of the fox and therefore in its stool and not in the pee.
Humans can be contaminated after inadvertently consuming the eggs of tapeworm larvae. Severe and serious lesions which are expressed 5 to 15 years after ingestion.
If you collect wild plants regularly in forest environments, open your eyes and nostrils.
– Spot fox and dog droppings, often on trails

– Harvest plants at height (risk is more pronounced for dandelion and wild garlic for example).

– Cook your food. The risk is only present when consuming raw wild plants.

– Wash the plants and your hands several times after picking your plants and working in the soil.

Tips and Suggestions

Possibility of taking the Meg-bus (timetables available from Megève Tourisme).

Route details

Earth, Hard surface (tar, cement, floor), Suitable for all-terrain pushchairs
Autumn, Summer, Spring


The Moulin Contant walk is a family walk, which can be done in about an hour.

Without any difficulty, you will discover the hamlet and the Planay river.

Also take the time to go for a walk by the nearby Lake Javen.

Also discover this digital animation for an educational hiking itinerary that raises awareness of biodiversity knowledge and good practices to adopt in the mountains:

Pedestrian sportsHiking route
DifficultyEasyDuration01h05Elevation116 D- ​​/ 116 D+Distance3,8 kmMax Altitude1473 m
To download

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