in Megève

Itinéraire rando autour du Village

A pleasant route that bypasses the heart of Megève, to appreciate the beauty of our mountain village.
Tips and Suggestions

Recommended route for strollers

Topo / step by step

0/ From Megève Tourisme, take the chemin du Glapet which runs along the river to the Fermes de Marie.

1/ Go back down to the roundabout below the cemetery.

2/ Follow the direction of Retirement home by rue de Beau Soleil.

3/ Return to the roundabout of the Post Office for about fifty meters.

4/ Take the bridle path on the left.

5/ Arrived just behind the bus station, then join the pedestrian streets by rue du Général Muffat de Saint Amour.

Route details

Not marked
Hard surface (tar, cement, floor), Suitable for city strollers
Autumn, Summer, Winter, Spring


From Megève Tourisme, take the chemin du Glapet which runs along the river to the Fermes de Marie.
Go back down to the roundabout below the cemetery. Follow the direction of Retirement home by rue de Beau Soleil. Come back to the post office roundabout for about fifty meters and take the bridle path on your left. You will arrive just behind the bus station.
Then join the pedestrian streets via rue du Général Muffat de Saint Amour.

Linked offers

Pedestrian sportsHiking route
DifficultyEasyDuration00h40Elevation30 D- ​​/ 30 D+Distance2,0 kmMax Altitude1113 m
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